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Please check back for future events!

Vend with us

We are always looking for eclectic, DIY, alternative, weird, low brow art, made for and by the strange & unusual. 

How do I become a vendor? 
As soon as we have secured a venue for the PRFM and figured out how many vendors will fit, we release a call to the public. Location may change each time the market is put on! 
If you apply and are accepted, and paid your vendor fee, and can no longer vend with us, please note There are NO REFUNDS OR ROLLOVERS TO ANOTHER MARKET FOR CANCELLATIONS. You also cannot "sell" your space to someone else, as this is a curated event.
PRFMYYC DOES NOT TOLERATE HATE OF ANY KIND! This also goes for homophobia, transphobia, sexism, xenophobia and all the other bad isms/ phobias. If you get caught selling or behaving this way you will be kicked out! You will not be refunded your artist fee and we will donate it to an appropriate nonprofit.
There are a few reasonable guidelines on what you can sell (nothing illegal, no weapons, no live animals etc). Anyone who pays the vending fee and agrees to abide by our guidelines is welcome to sell their stuff. Be sure to read through the vendor application and policies thoroughly!
Keep an eye out for vendor calls. Please note, venues do have limited space, therefore vendor capacities. You may be waitlisted, however, being waitlisted does not mean that we do not like your stuff.  We wish we could have everyone in our show all at once, however, that just is not possible!
If you have applied for a Punk Rock Flea Market Calgary event before (even if you haven't been accepted) PLEASE apply again! We do like to change things up and keep our vendors fresh and exciting, but we also know that many of our customers come out specifically for our returning vendors. 
Please understand that we want to accept everyone but we don't have the capacity or space to do so. Please be respectful of our curation choices for each event, and dont harass our staff because you got waitlisted. 
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